Royal Canadian Air Force - Aviation Royale Canadienne

Royal Canadian Naval Air Service - Service Aérien de la Marine Royal Canadienne



If non-tiger patches are shown it is because they are from units who participate(d) in one of more Tiger Meets of the Americas.


The terminology changed from Squadron/Escadrille to Squadron/Escadron on 14 February 1989.

No. 3 Flying Training School, 2nd Squadron   (...... - 30 JUN 1970)
No. 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School   (01 JUL 1970 - present)
     Primary Flying Squadron BENGALS (multi engine)
     Primary Flying Squadron TIGERS (single engine)


150th Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets   (18 FEB 1970 - present)


410th (Night Fighter) Squadron   (30 JUN 1941 - 09 JUN 1945)
410th (Fighter) Squadron   (01 DEC 1948 - 01 OCT 1956)
410th All Weather (Fighter) Squadron   (01 NOV 1956 - 31 MAR 1964)
410th All Weather Operational Training Squadron   (11 MAR 1968 - MAY 1982)
410th Tactical Fighter (Operational Training) Squadron "Cougar"   (JUN 1982 - present)


416th (Fighter Squadron)   (22 NOV 1941 - 15 MAR 1946)
416th (Fighter Squadron)   (08 JAN 1951 - 31 JAN 1957)
416th All Weather Fighter Squadron   (01 FEB 1957 - 01 SEP 1961)
416th All Weather Fighter Squadron   (31 DEC 1961 - 31 MAR 1985)
416th "City of Oshawa" Tactical Fighter Squadron   (01 JUN 1988 - present)


424th Bomber Squadron   (15 OCT 1942 - 15 OCT 1945)
424th Light Bomber Squadron (Auxilary)   (15 APR 1946 - 31 MAR 197)
424th Fighter Squadron (Auxilary)   (01 APR 1947 - 18 SEP 1952)
424th "City of Hamilton" (Fighter) Squadron   (19 DEC 1952 - 21 SEP 1957)
424th "City of Hamilton" (Transport) (Auxilary) Squadron   (22 SEP 1957 - 30 MAR 1958)
424th "City of Hamilton" Squadron   (31 MAR 1958 - 31 MAR 1964)
424th "City of Hamilton" Communication and Rescue Squadron   (08 JUL 1968 - 17 SEP 1968)
424th "City of Hamilton" Transport and Rescue Squadron   (18 SEP 1968 - present)


123th (Army Co-operation Training) Squadron   (15 JAN 1942 - 31 DEC 1943)

439th (Fighter Bomber) Squadron   (01 JAN 1944 - 07 SEP 1945)

439th (Fighter) Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"   (01 SEP 1951 - 01 NOV 1963)

439th Reconnaissance/Attack Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"   (02 MAR 1964 - 31 MAR 1968)

439th Reconnaissance Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"   (01 APR 1968 - 31 AUG 1970)

439th Reconnaissance/Attack Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"   (30 SEP 1970 - 30 JUN 1972 )

439th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"  (01 JUL 1972 - 31 MAR 1993)

439th Combat Support Squadron "Sabre Toothed Tigers"   (01 APR 1993 - present) concise, illustrated history



874th Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets   (01 FEB 1980 - present)


HMCS Fredericton FFH 337 -  Helicopter Air Detachment   (10 SEP 1994 - present)


Pilot Training Class 89-03