Esquadra 301

De nada a forte gente se temia

(Strong people fear nothing)




Callsign : JAGUARES


Nato Tiger Association status : full member


The history of Esquadra 301 (Squadron) began in November 1968 with the creation in 1966 of Esquadra 502 'Jaguares', located in Aeródromo Base 5 (Base Airfield), in Nacala,  Mozambique, flying the Fiat G91.  This Squadron received the jets from the Esquadra 121 'Tigres', which operated in Base Aérea 12 (Air Base), Bissalanca, Guinea.  The ‘Tigres’ were founded in 1966 and carried out photographic and visual reconnaissance, bombing, fire support and armed reconnaissance missions

At that time the Portugese Armed Forces were involved into overseas war operations in its African territories of Angola, Guinea and Mozambique.

In October 1972 the Squadron was deactivated with some of the pilots and jets being transferred to the Esquadra 93 “Magníficos”, located in BA9, Luanda, Angola.

In August 1974 all Fiat G.91R/4 and the G.91T/3 trainers were sent to BA6, Montijo, Portugal, forming the re-activated Esquadra 62.  Later on, Esquadra 502 ‘Jaguares’ and Esquadra 702 ‘Escorpiões’, re-located from Mozambique to reinforce Esquadra 62, creating the current insignia and name – Jaguares.

Esquadra 702 “Escorpiões” was created in 1971, at AB7, Tete Chingosi, Mozambique, and was tasked with anti-guerrilla, interdiction and independent attack missions.

During the ‘Guerra do Ultramar’ (Portuguese Colonial War, 4 February 1961 – 25 April 1974) these squadrons flew more than 13.000 missions, with five aircraft having been shot down by anti-aircraft artillery and surface-to-air missiles.


In 1978 the Squadron was renumber to Esquadra 301 ‘Jaguares’.  On 19 April 1988, The Ministry of Defense awarded the 301 Squadron with the Medalha Militar de Serviços Distintos, Grau Ouro (Distinguished Service Gold Medal) – one of the highest-ranking medals ever given to a Portuguese Squadron.  The G.91R/4 made its last official flight on 27 June 1993 having more than 75.000 flight hours with the Portuguese Air Force.

Mid-1993 the 301 Squadron was transferred to BA11, Beja, Portugal, having been equipped with the ground-attack aircraft Alpha Jet A.  This aircraft's first flight was conducted on 6 October 1993.   The Squadron flew more than 20.000 hours with the Alpha Jet.  The last flight took place in November 2005.

That same time the Squadron was transferred to BA5, Monte Real, Portugal,  where it assumed its role as the first F-16 Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) Squadron in the Portuguese Air Force.  The 'Jaguares' have become the Portugese frontline All Weather, Day and Night, Air Defense, and Conventional Attack (Precision) Squadron.

The 301 Squadron is tasked with air defense and conventional attack in all-weather conditions.


(all aircraft are to scale)


Fiat G.91R/4 'Gina'

Fiat G.91T/3 'Gina'

Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet A

General Dynamics F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon

General Dynamics F-16B MLU Fighting Falcon


 Fiat G.91R/4

Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet

General Dynamics F-16A/B MLU Fighting Falcon


Esquadra 62

Esquadra 93 “Magníficos”

Esquadra 121 'Tigres'


Esquadra 502 'Jaguares'

Esquadra 702 ‘Escorpiões’


BA5 Monte Real

BA6 Montijo

BA11 Beja



Medalha Militar de Serviços Distintos, Grau Ouro




text & picture sources : own collection & library + the world wide web / No copyright infringement intended : drawings, photos, etc. belong to the rightful owners.