18 SEP 1947 - present


including some patches from the United States Army Air Forces - 20 JUN 1941 - 17 SEP 1947


If non-tiger patches are shown it is because they are from units who participate(d) in one of more Nato Tiger Meets / Tiger Meets of the Americas.


1st Command and Control Squadron   (30-NOV-1989 - 30-SEP-2001 )

1st Space Control Squadron   (01-OCT-2001 - 09-JUN-2008 )

1st Expeditionary Space Control Squadron   (11-FEB-2009 - present )



2nd Command and Control Squadron   (???? - ???? )



2nd Space Launch Squadron   (11-SEP-1990 - 31-OCT-2005)



3rd Squadron, USAF Officer Training School



4th Squadron, USAF Officer Training School


4th Fighter Wing  (01-DEC-1995 - present )



6th Intelligence Squadron  (09-DEC-2008 - present )



Seventh Air Force  (08-SEP-1986 - present )



7th Intelligence Squadron  (20-MAR-2009 - present )



7th Suffolk Squadron, New York Wing, Civil Air Patrol



10th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation Flight - Critical Care Air Transport Team   (???? - ???? )



10th Fighter Squadron, Commando  (APR-1966 - APR-1967 )



10th Cadet Squadron, USAF Academy



11th Combat Defense Squadron  (01-MAR-1959 - 01-JUL-1967 )



Fourteenth Air Force  (19-MAR-1943 - 06-JAN-1946 )

Fourteenth Air Force  (24-MAY-1946 - 01-SEP-1960 )

Fourteenth Air Force  (20-JAN-1966 - 30-JUN-1966 )

Fourteenth Aerospace Force  (01-JUL-1968 - 01-OCT-1976 )

Fourteenth Air Force  (Reserve)  (08-OCT-1976 - 31-NOV-1985 )

Fourteenth Air Force  (01-DEC-1985 - 01-JUL-1993 )

Fourteenth Aerospace Force  (01-JUL-1993 - present)



14th Flying Training Wing  (01-JUN-1972 - present)



14th Operations Group  (09-DEC-1991 - present)



15th Operations Group  (01-APR-1992 - present)



18th Operations Group  (01-OCT-1991 - present)



20th Tactical Fighter Wing  (08-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1991)

20th Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - present)




20th Operations Group  (01-JAN-1994 - present)



23rd Aircraft Generation Squadron   (???? - ???? )



23rd Civil Engineer Squadron  (01-MAR-1994 - 01-APR-1997)



23rd Communications Squadron  (01-APR-1991 - present)



23rd Component Repair Squadron   (???? - ???? )



23rd Tactical Fighter Wing  (28-JAN-1964 - 30-SEP1991)

23rd Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - 31-MAY-1992)

23rd Wing  (01-JUN-1992 - 31-MAR-1997)

23rd Fighter Group  (01-APR-1997 - 30-SEP-2006)

23rd Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-2006 - present)



23rd Maintenance Squadron  (01-JUN-1992 - 30-SEP2007)



23rd Medical Group  (01-SEP-1994 - 01-APR-1997)

23rd Medical Group  (01-OCT-2006 - present)



23rd Operations Support Squadron  (01-JUN-1992 - present)




23rd Operations Group  (01-JUN-1992 - present)



23rd Transportation Squadron   (???? - ???? )



24th Air Operations Squadron  (25-OCT-2019 - present)



24th Fighter Squadron  (25-OCT-2019 - present)



26th Flying Training Squadron  (13-DEC-1989 - 01 OCT-1992)

26th Weapons Squadron  (18-SEP-2008 - present)



28th Operations Group  (29-AUG-1991 - present)




28th Operations Support Squadron  (29-AUG-1991 - present)



33rd Student Squadron  (01-JUL-1994 - present)



33rd Flying Training Squadron  (01-OCT-1998 - present)



36th Tactical Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - 01-OCT-1994)



37th Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)



37th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy )  (16-JUN-1977 - 01-OCT-1982)

37th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy )  (01-JA N-1987 - 31-AUG-1991)

37th Bomb Squadron  (01-SEP-1991 - present) concise, illustrated history






37th Flying Training Squadron  (22-MAR-1972 - present)





41st Flying Training Squadron  (01-OCT-1998 - present)



45th Operations Support Squadron  (01-NOV-1991 - present)



47th Flying Training Wing  (22-MAR-1972 - present)



48th Tactical Fighter Wing  (08-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1991)

48th Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - present)



48th Operations Group  (01-MAR-1992 - present)



51st Security Forces Squadron  (01-NOV-1971 - present)



52nd Tactical Fighter Wing  (12-NOV-1971 - 30-SEP-1991)

52nd Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - present)



52nd Operations Group  (01-MAR-1992 - present)



53rd Tactical Fighter Squadron  (08-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1991)

53rd Fighter Squadron  (01-OCT-1991 - 31-MAR-1999)

53rd Fighter Squadron  (10-DEC-2021 - present) concise, illustrated history



63rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  (01-OCT-2017 - present)



63rd Tactical Fighter Squadron  (12-MAY-1975 - 30-SEP-1981)

63rd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron  (01-OCT-1981 - 31-OCT-1991)

63rd Fighter Squadron  (01-NOV-1991 - present)




70th Armamenent and Electronics Maintenance Squadron  (24-JAN-1955 - 25-JUN-1962)



70th Munitions Maintenance Squadron   (???? - ???? )


71st Flying Training Wing  (14-APR-1972 - present)



72nd Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Survival School  (04-JUN-1952 - JUN-1971)



74th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)



74th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (19-MAY-1972 - 31-OCT-1991)

74th Fighter Squadron  (01-NOV-1991 - 15-FEB-1992)

74th Fighter Squadron  (15-JUN-1993 - present)



75th Composite Squadron, Georgia Wing, Civil Air Patrol



75th Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)

75th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)




75th Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (19-DEC-1950 - 30-JUN-1968)

75th Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (30-SEP-1968 - 30-NOV-1969)

75th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (18-MAY-1972 - 31-OCT-1991)

75th Fighter Squadron  (01-NOV-1991 - 02-DEC-1991)

75th Fighter Squadron  (01-APR-1992 - present)




76th Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (20-JUN-1955 - 01-JUL-1963)

76th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (18-MAY-1972 - 31-OCT-1991)

76th Fighter Squadron  (01-NOV-1991 - 29-MAY-1992)

76th Space Operations Squadron  (21-NOV-1995 - 21-JAN-2001)

76th Space Control Squadron  (22-JAN-2001 - 22-JAN-2008)

76th Fighter Squadron  (01-FEB-2009 - present)



77th Air Refueling Squadron  (01-OCT-1994 - present)




77th Waepons Squadron  (24-JAN-2003 - present)




79th Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)



79th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (08-JUL-1958 - 30 SEP-1991)

79th Fighter Squadron  (01-OCT-1991 - 30-JUN-1993)

79th Fighter Squadron  (01-JAN-1994 - present) concise, illustrated history







81st Fighter-Bomber Squadron  (15-NOV-1952 - 07-JUL-1958)

81s Tactical Fighter Squadron  (08-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1991)

81st Fighter Squadron  (01-OCT-1991 - 18-JUN-2013)

81st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron  (01-OCT-2014 - present)




85th Flying Training Squadron  (22-MAR-1972 - present)




90th Flying Training Squadron  (25-MAY-1972 - present)



90th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (25-MAY-1972 - present)



97th Combat Defense Squadron  (22-APR-1959 - 01-JUL-1967 )

97th Security Police Squadron  (02-JUL-1967 - 30-JUN-1997 )



97th Flying Training Squadron  (22-JUN-1972 - 01-APR-1993)

97th Flying Training Squadron  (01-APR-1998 - present)



99th Flying Training Squadron  (14-MAY-1993 - present)



102nd Fighter Interceptor Wing  (1976 - APR-1992)

102nd Fighter Wing  (APR-1992 - 05-APR-2008)



103rd Rescue Squadron  (2004 - present)



108th Tactical Fighter Wing  (01-JUL-1955 - 18-OCT-1991)

108th Air Refueling Wing  (19-OCT-1991 - 30-NOV-2009)



108th Operations Support Squadron  (???? - ????)



120th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (01-JAN-1961 - 14-MAR-1992)

120th Fighter Squadron  (15-MAR-1992 - present) concise, illustrated history




126th Composite Squadron, Missouri Wing, Civil Air Patrol



130th Composite Squadron, Minnestota Wing, Civil Air Patrol



141st Tactical Fighter Squadron  (01-JUL-1958 - 18-OCT-1991)

141st Air Refueling Squadron  (19-OCT-1991 - present) concise, illustrated history





152nd Tactical Fighter Squadron  (26-JUL-1979 - 15-MAR-1992)

152nd Fighter Squadron  (16-MAR-1992 - present)



159th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  (???? - ????)



160th Attack Squadron  (01-JUL-2015 - present)



195th ............



313th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron  (12-JUN-2002 - present)



314th Air Division  (1955 - SEP-1986)



323rd Flying Training Wing  (28-JUL-1972 - 01-OCT-1993)



324th Intelligence Squadron  (01-OCT-1993 - present)



325th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy)  (16-JUN-1951 - 31-AUG-1991)

325th Bombardment Squadron  (01-SEP-1991 - 01-JUL-1994)

325th Weapons Squadron  (09-SEP-2005 - present)



325th Tactical Training Wing  (15-OCT-1983 - 30-SEP-1991)



328th Air Refueling Squadron  (01-JUN-2017 - present)



332nd Expeditionary Rescue Maintenance Squadron  (???? - ????)



347th Operations Support Squadron  (01-OCT-2006 - present)



347th Tactical Airlift Squadron  (01-MAY-1967 - 01-JUN-1972)



347th Wing  (01-JUL-1994 - 31-MAR-2001)



351st Air Refueling Squadron  (31-MAR-1992 - present)



366th Supply Squadron  (31-OCT-1972 - present)



366th Tactical Fighter Wing  (30-APR-1962 - 30-SEP-1991)

366th Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - 29-SEP-2002)



380th Civil Engineer Squadron  (???? - ????)



387th Air Expeditionay Group  (01-JAN-20003 - present)



388th Fighter Wing  (01-OCT-1991 - present)



391st Aircraft Maintenance Unit  (???? - present)



391st Tactical Fighter Squadron  (01-JUL-1971 - 01-JUL-1990)

391st Fighter Squadron  (01-MAR-1992 - present) concise, illustrated history




393rd Bombardment Squadron (Medium)  (01-DEC-1969 - 30-SEP-1990)

393rd Bomb Squadron  (12-MAR-1993 - present) concise, illustrated history





418th Flight Test Squadron  (01-MAR-1994 - present)



420th Air Refueling Squadron  (08-DEC-1953- 30-SEP-1992)



425th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron  (22-AUG-1969 - 01-SEP-1989)



430th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (01-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1989)

430th Electronic Combat Squadron  (01-AUG-1992 - 29-JUN-1993)



432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  (01-MAY-2007 - present)



432nd Security Police Squadron  (15-MAY-1967 - 15-MAR-1976  &  01-OCT-1984 - 01-OCT-1994)



437nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (01-JUL-1968 - 30-SEP-1968)



446th Strategic Missile Squadron  (01-NOV-1963 - 31-AUG-1991)



450th Flying Training Squadron  (28-JUL-1972 - 27-OCT-2008)



453rd Flying Training Squadron  (28-JUL-1972 - 31-MAY-1993)

453rd Electronic Warfare Squadron  (17-JUL-2000 - present)



453rd Test Squadron  (???? - ????)



454th Combat Defense Squadron  (???? - ????)



454th Flying Training Squadron  (01-APR-1973 - 01-OCT-1993)



460th Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (01-SEP-1968 - 30-JUL-1974)

460th Fighter Interceptor Training Squadron  (01-OCT-1980 - 15-OCT-1982)

460th Test & Evaluation Squadron  (11-AUG-2023 - present)



474th Tactical Fighter Wing  (01-JUL-1958 - 30-SEP-1989)



476th Aerospace Medicine Flight  (11-JUL-2009 - present)



476th Fighter Group  (06-JUL-2009 - present)



489th Attack Squadron  (01-DEC-2016 - present)



494th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  (???? - present)



494th Fighter Generation Squadron  (???? - present)



494th Tactical Fighter Squadron  (08-JUL-1958 -29-OCT-1991)

494th Fighter Squadron  (30-NOV-1991 - present) concise, illustrated history




498th Fighter Interceptor Squadron  (20-JUN-1955 - 30-SEP-1968)



509th Operations Group  (12-MAR-1993 - present)



509th Weapons Squadron  (01-JUN-2003 - present)



521st Air Expeditionary Advisary Squadron  (???? - 11-JAN-2010)



535th Tactical Airlift Squadron  (01-AUG-1967 - 24-JAN-1972)

535th Airlift Squadron  (01-APR-2005 - present)




544th Information Operations Group  (01-AUG-2000 - 01-APR-2007)



561st Tactical Fighter Squadron  (01-MAY-1962 - 31-OCT-1991)



600th Photographic Squadron  (08-FEB-1966 - 1976)



601st Supply Squadron  (01-JUL-1968 - present)



606th Special Operations Squadron  (01-AUG-1968 - 15-JUN-1971)



607th Air Intelligence Squadron  (15-DEC-1994 - 01-JAN-2009)



614th Air & Space Communications Squadron  (17-JUN-2011 - present)



614th Space Operations Squadron  (08-MAY-1998 - 04-MAY-2007)

614th Air & Space Operations Center  (24-MAY-2007 - 24-JUL-2020)



614th Combat Training Squadron  (04-NOV-2016 - 16-JUN-2021)



755th Operations Support Squadron  (03-FEB-2003 - present)



756th Tactical Airlift Squadron  (29-JUN-1971 - 30-JUN-1986)

756th Military Airlift Squadron  (01-JUL-1986 - 31-JAN-1992)

756th Airlift Squadron  (01-FEB-1992 - 30-SEP-2003)

756th Air Refueling Squadron  (01-OCT-2003 - present)



757th Tactical Airlift Squadron  (01-JUL-1981 - 31-JAN-1992)

757th Airlift Squadron  (01-FEB-1992 - present)



905th Air Refueling Squadron  (01-SEP-1991 - present)



906th Tactical Fighter Group  (01-JUL-1982 - 31-JAN-1992)



909th Air Refueling Squadron  (01-OCT-1991 - present)



924th Air Refueling Squadron  (02-APR-20171 - present)



1908th Communications Squadron  (1961 - 1991)



3500th Pilot Training Squadron  (01-APR-1958 - 01-OCT-1972)



3526th Student Squadron  (???? - ????)



3550th Student Squadron  (05-JAN-1961 - 01-DEC-1973)



3606th Aircraft Observer Training Squadron  (???? - ????)



3610th Navigator Training Squadron  (01-APR-1958 - 01-JUL-1962)



3615th Pilot Training Squadron  (01-SEP-1950 - 01-JUL-1972)



3615th Student Squadron  (01-SEP-1950 - 01-JUL-1972)



3617th Pilot Training Squadron  (01-SEP1950 - 01-JUL-1972)



3752nd Field Training Squadron - Detachment 309  (01-JUL-1984 - ????)



4252nd Strategic Wing  (01-DEC-1965 - 04-JAN-1970)



4430th Combat Crew Training Squadron  (???? - ????)



4440th Tactical Fighter Training Group Air Intercept Missile Evaluation/Air Combat Evaluation  (01-MAR-1976 - 01-NOV-1991)



6555th Aerospace Test Group  (01-APR-1970 - 01-OCT-1990)



6924th Security Squadron  (1965 - 15-MAY-1976)



Air Education & Training Command



Air Force Reserve Command



Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps



Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps


Air Mobility Warfare Center




Alliance Aviation Center of Excellence



Combined Space Operations Center




Cope Tiger



Flying Training Classes



General Electric J79 turbojet engine



Joint Space Operations Center



Tanker patches



Thread Infrared Generic Emulation Radiometer (TIGER)




